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Cabal of the Crimson Flame

Participation Drive
64 Donors
Towards goal of 250 Donors
$68,426.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM HST
Project Owners


March 31, 2023
Aloha Mysterious Benefactors of the Red Raven!

We have great news to share with you all!

TONY HAS MET HIS MATCH!...or rather you have all matched his generous $5000 gift, and helped him become a Dungeon Master for the first time in his life.

You've all had a tremendous impact on our students' lives with your support, and I'm so pleased to share with you that we have just officially crested $40,000 in funds raised by 87 gifts and counting!  

This supplies our students with scholarships and production support beyond their wildest dreams, and lifts them up to reach for the stars...and you all made it happen with your kind donations of many a gold piece! 

Let's shout our success from atop the highest pinnaces of Rookspire!  Please share our page around and let the world know about this great event and the wonderful cause we are all fighting to support:  

Join us on Sunday from 1pm HST onwards, if you want a first-hand view of the action and the chance to meet our celebrity guests and awesome students. 

Thank you again for meeting Tony's match, transforming him into the rarest breed of creature in the known universe - the inscrutable and omnipotent Dungeon Master!

A very heartfelt thanks to Tony as well for his generous Founding Donation for the Dr. Dennis Carroll Scholarship, and for this extra matching donation as well. You are a Big Damn Hero.  

You all fill our heart with thunder. We can't wait to adventure with you on Sunday!

Deep Aloha,

Nicolas Logue
Founder and Education Coordinator 
Hawai'i Conservatory of Performing Arts
Associate Professor of Theatre
Windward Community College
phone: (808) 236-9138
Choose a giving level



You have bolstered our spirits and ensured our efforts are not in vain. If we reach 500 Familiar pledges or more (across both funds), Nick will schedule the next installment of “Mysterious Benefactors” and continue these live-streamed gaming events (with celebrity guests) for the viewing public to enjoy.


The Red Raven Adventure

You’ll be given access to all behind-the-scenes information on the design process behind the Red Raven adventure and materials needed to run this adventure and other adventures set in Rookspire for your own group of wily players.


Dungeonmastery Masterclass

You get the Red Raven Adventure Rewards, Additionally, you are hereby invited to attend one or more of a few live online “Ask Me Anything” gatherings with Nick Logue about his adventure design and/or the DM techniques he employs in his secret art. These seminars will take place one week after the event (Sunday April 30th) with a few time slots available to accommodate patrons in divergent time zones.


Archmage Ascendant

You gain Dungeonmastery Masterclass Rewards, but also Nick will help you design your next adventure or campaign in a series of online get-togethers (at least five get-togethers, each at least 1-hour in length). Additionally, you have the honor of naming one of our new magical blades for our armory. The name you choose for this magical weapon will be inscribed upon it for all time, and we’ll think of your generous donation every time we hand it out in class for battle!


Great Gold Wyrm

You gain the Archmage Ascendant rewards, and additionally, your name shall be added as a Founding Patron of the Conservatory on our Founders Plaque to be installed at the commencement of our Fall 2023 Season. Your name will appear in all our programs for all our productions for every season of our conservatory hereafter.


Deity and Demigod

You get the Great Gold Wyrm Rewards, additionally, Nick will give you sneak peeks on his upcoming games and other plans for streaming adventures. He'll also make a guest appearance online in one of your games as a player or NPC for one session, and run an original exclusive online adventure for you and up to four of your friends as well in another session (minimum 5 hours in length).


Dungeon Master

You get the Deity and Demigod Rewards, additionally, Nick will run an entire weekend of games (three 5-hour sessions, minimum) for you and up three more friends (in each game, you can spread the love around if you like). If you live on the continent or abroad, Nick will fly out and stay nearby in a hotel to be on hand as your personal Dungeon Master, or run online (your preference).


The Great Gary Gygax

You get the Dungeon Master rewards, additionally, you can create a named scholarship of your choice, honoring a loved one, or a sage mentor with a lasting legacy.